Niludhan Falls: Rappelling and Cliff Jumping

It is always an unexplainable feeling everytime you do something that you have never tried before, and that was the feeling that I felt when I was able to rappel down the 40-meter vertical wall of Niludhan Falls.

👉 Watch the highlight video of my Backpacking Adventure to Negros Island on YouTube

The 40-meter high vertical wall of Niludhan Falls

It was already around 9AM when we arrived at the jump-off point of the the Falls. While the other team member of the Xtreme Lines Adventure were setting up the ropes and gears for the said activity, Sir Mark Bezario gave us the orientation and tackles the dos and don’ts during rappelling, the correct positioning of the body, safety tips and reminders and he also gamely entertained our queries as well.

Ant-size people below while I was rappelling down

After all the ropes and gears were already set-up, one of the members of Xtreme Line Adventure team tried to rappel down first to assure everybody that it their equipments were safe to use . Afterwhich, the other participants were the next to try until it was on my turn. It feels scary at first but I have no option to backed down because this was what I paid for.

👉 This story is part of my Backpacking Adventure to Negros Island Series

Safety first, wear helmet

I didn’t really have a hard time in positioning my body while rappelling down since I already have an experience on this one, though not on a waterfall but on a concrete wall. The challenge on this one were the volume of water that would kept falling down directly on my face whenever I turned my heads up. There wad also a risk from the falling stones that will be carried away by the water current as it flowed through the vertical drop of the falls.

The 10-meter high cliff jump after rappelling down

It took me around 10 minutes before I finished rappelling down and landed my foot on a piece of rock with in the cliff which was still quite high above the water. After I detached the ropes and removed the harness from my body, I breathed in some oxygen first before jumping to around 10 meter high cliff.

👉 Watch video of Niludhan Falls Rappelling and Cliff Jumping

Jump high

It was really a great feeling after I accomplished on rappelling down the Niludhan Falls on the first day of extreme adventure.

Tips and Reminders

  • Apply sun screen to protect your skin from extreme UV rays. There is no shade around the area
  • Safety is the main priority. Always make sure to wear protective gears whenever you do extreme activities.
  • Always follow LNT(Leave No Trace) principle. Be a responsible outdoor enthusiast.
  • If the body is not in a good condition, don’t take the risk to try this.
  • You can contact Xtreme Line Adventure on there facebook page if you want to set an arrangement.

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